
Newsletter 97 from 02/05/2008

International Building Exhibition (IBA) Fürst-Pückler-Land

1. Awake your interest: “Longing for Lausitz lakes”
2. Presented: New ideas on the art of the Altdöbern landscape
3. Extended: Co-operation at the “Swimming architecture” centre of competence
4. Printed: The competition documents for the Pückler Grammar School
5. Completed: Baschlakow exhibition and “Wind move” project
6. Urged: With eco-friendly small vehicles through the land of lakes
7. Tested: Development potential of the ENERGY route
8. Found: Answers to the choice of profession in the pupil academy of Lausitz

(1) Awake your interest:

“Longing for Lausitz lakes”

The IBA Fürst-Pückler-Land has the subject of “Water“ as its main focus this year and focuses on water-related projects in the heartland of the Lusatian Lakeland under the motto “Longing for the Lausitz lakes”. A press conference introducing the contents of the subject year takes place on the IBA terraces at 10:00 hours on 19 March 2008. The IBA also invites all interested parties from the region to the visitor centre on the IBA terraces at 15:00 hours on 20 March 2008.

Besides details of the cultural programme and information on projects, events and tours in the subject year guests can also expect a special inauguration. In the future, by means of 11 poster descriptions, visitors may inform themselves about the use of the lakes in the heartland.

Further development of the swimming architecture at several project locations is part of the focus of the subject year. With the reward of both Europe-wide competitions of “mobile swimming architecture” and “seeBrücke Senftenberg – lake bridge ”, the IBA wants to direct the expert’s attention towards Lausitz. On the six visiting days that will held from 30 May until 1 June 2008 due to the 35th anniversary of existence of the Lake Senftenberg, the IBA will present a construction site exhibit at Überleiter 12 that will connect the Lakes of Senftenberg and Geierswalder. Interested people can experience the construction phases at close quarters in order to get an impression of the construction’s engineering technical features. Further highlights will be announced for the summer. A passable lake model will be installed as a water installation on the IBA terraces 2 that shows the navigable heartland of the lake district of Lausitz and what can be experienced. Under instruction but through their own efforts young people will camp at the emerging Lake Ilse and make a house raft that will subsequently be launched In addition, the construction and opening of swimming houses at Lake Geierswald, and the landmark “Lake District of Lausitz" of 30 metre-high at Lake Sedlitz, are also to be dealt with.

Jencks & Kipar

(2) Presented:

New ideas on the art of the Altdöbern landscape

The famous American landscape artist Charles Jencks and the internationally practising landscape architect Andreas Kipar will be staying in Altdöbern on 21 February 2008. They will present their design for a new earth sculpture at the lakeside of Altdöbern in the restaurant “Schutzenhaus”, Weinsbergweg 11 at 16:00 hours p.m. They are jointly pursuing the idea of forming a unique landscape work of art from the earth masses of the former opencast mining operations. This may symbolically restore the connection between Altdobern and Pritzen.

Both towns were separated from the other by the former open cast Greifenhain mine. Lake Altdobern is now established between the community of Altdöbern and the district of Pritzen. If you wish to attend this public presentation you are hereby sincerely invited.

(3) Extended:

Co-operation at the “Swimming architecture” centre of competence

The active project work between the IBA and the academy of Lausitz (FHL) on the “Swimming architecture” centre of competence has borne the first fruits. On 21 January 2008 at the offices of the IBA a seminar group of the academy elaborated on the basics of a business plan for a professional service centre. Furthermore, discussion on the subject of “Realisation and financial protection of swimming architecture in the Lausitz” also took place.

The seminar tutor Prof. Dr. Juergen Gabriel, and IBA manager Prof. Dr. Rolf Kuhn, both agreed that the results have shown that scientific co-operation is useful and the subject of “Swimming architecture” has met with great interest from the students. Mr. Michael Feiler, the IBA person responsible for the project, emphasised that “the next joint aim of co-operation is the development of an organisational and financial concept for the centre of competence”. In the course of the seminar “Quality Assurance and Technology”, a student expressed interest in a dissertation. Maybe she would accept the challenge of developing a business plan. The “Swimming architecture” centre of competence would thereby gain in shape. Therefore, a continuance of the co-operation with the partners FHL and LMBV is worthwhile for Rolf Kuhn.

(4) Printed:

The competition documents for the Pückler Grammar School

On 1 March 2008 the tendering documents of the competition for the renovation of the Pückler Grammar School in Cottbus can be purchased from the IBA at a price of 5.00 €uros. These include the drafts of the 24 applicants. Publications may be purchased on-site in Building 1 on the IBA terraces, or they can be ordered from Mrs. Rita Sandner, telephone: +49 (0)35 753 370 275; E-mail: Background of the tender: it is intended to increase the value of the Pückler Grammar School in Cottbus by an innovative modernisation of the building façades and the re-planning of the open air facilities. The competitor’s task was to present convincing architectural solutions. On 15 November 2007, the architectural practice pmp, architects Padberg & Partner of Hamburg/Berlin, working together with the landscape architect Mrs. Vera vom Kothen, emerged victorious from the tender. The draft provides a new central gate area and offers multiple possibilities with a new break hall and “Treppenhof – roofed flight of steps” to the assembly hall.

(6) Urged:

With eco-friendly small vehicles through the land of lakes

The IBA supports the “Applications of fuel cells in small vehicles” project that has emerged victorious as the winner of the 8th NEMO competition organised by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology. Under the control of the IMU Institute Berlin-Dresden, and in co-operation with network partners that are composed of developers, producers and users of Saxonia, Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, innovative technological approaches to investigate the integration of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies into the range of products of the partners are being identified, its saleability examined, and projects initiated. The aim is to realise different applications of fuel cell systems in small vehicles and vessels. Two-wheeled vehicles, small vehicles with more wheels and seaplanes are being considered. The IBA Fürst-Pückler-Land will be the first user of this fleet of prototypes to be tested, due to the fact that it is a matter of great concern to integrate innovative mobility into the Lake District and energy region of Lausitz. Therefore, the development of noiseless and exhaust-free seaplanes is the centre of attention. The first prototypes are expected to the ready by the end of 2009.

(5) Completed:

Baschlakow exhibition and “Wind move” project

The closing of the photographic exhibition by the artist Andrè Bashlakov and the completion of the “Wind move“ project by the artist Christoph Ernst will both take place on the IBA terraces at 17:00 hours on 6 March 2008 in the café of the Lake Districts of Lausitz visitor centre. 30 unusual black and white photographs of the open cast mining landscape in and around Meuro can still be admired until then. Bashlakov shows the unseen – the combination of large landscape transformations to the smallest details of erosion. “Wind move“ has been a project that has connected the nature and technique with the art and stands as a "shining example" for the structural change in the Lausitz. Since the end of October 2007, Christoph Ernst has been showing a sensational light installation on a 150 metre-high wind turbine at the Klettwitz wind farm. Morse signals have been sent to Lausitz since mid-November with an appeal to decode them. The winner will be announced and awarded during the final event. The bright display of colours at the wind turbine can be admired late into the evening until 29 February 2008.

(7) Tested:

Development potential of the ENERGY route

On 30 January until 1 February 2008, an international study group from the Willy Scharnow Institute for Tourism based at the Free University of Berlin, began a two-day investigation into the “ENERGY route of Lausitz industrial culture”. This route connects significant monuments of the industrial culture and fantastic landscapes into an impressive experience. The 24 tourism management students involved were seeking tourist possibilities and working out marketing concepts. In this connection extensive enquiries and questioning of politically responsible persons, citizens and tourists will be carried out. A syndicate sponsors the “ENERGY route of Lausitz’ industrial culture”, and they are hoping for significant findings from the know-how and the international influence of the students to increase the value of their investment. All results of the examination and the framework for a marketing concept should be presented to the public in July.

experienced power plant of Plessa

(8) Found:

Answers to the choice of profession in the pupil academy of Lausitz

Eightenn pupils from the region were given food for thought for the time after their school-leaving qualification on the occasion of the third pupil academy of Lausitz held in Neuhausen from 7 to 12 January 2008. What started as an IBA project under the title “Think of a future in the Lausitz” in 2005 has been successfully continued by the I.B.A.R. e.V. The association considers it significant to show interesting training projects and professional prospects to the youth in the region.

During the six-day event the youth learned several things about themselves during personality and achievement tests. “I have finally taken the time to confront the significant question of my future,” said 19-year-old Ulrike Worms of Luckau. Laura Schmidt of Elsterwerde is already one step ahead and has, through tests and individual discussions, confirmed her preferred choice of career to become a bio-engineer. In addition, fascinating visits were organised with the project partners. Whether a sightseeing tour to the “Schwarze Pumpe” power plant, a tour by jeep through the grounds of the future Ilse Lake, or the ascent of a 140-metre high wind turbine manufactured by Vestas Blades in Lauchhammer – the pupils experienced the change in the region at close quarters. Another project involving the IBA and I.B.A.R. e.V. this summer will be a camp at which rafts will be constructed for use on Lake Ilse.

pupils in front of a wind turbine blade

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last update: 1/26/2017 13:13